Sunday, December 9, 2012

Don't Cut That Roast!

There is a story of a family dinner attended by many generations on a holiday that goes something like this.

A young girl went to her mother and asked, "Mommy, why do you cut the roast in half before you cook it?" Her mother replied, "I do it because my mother taught me to cook and showed me how to do it that way. Go ask your grandmother to tell you why?"

The girl went to her grandmother and asked, "Mommy says you taught her how to cook her roasts, and I want to know why you cut it in half first." The grandmother said, "My mother taught me how to cook. She is in the kitchen; she can tell you."

"Great Grandma, grandma and mommy told me you could tell me why you cut a roast in half to cook it. Can you tell me, please?" "Well," Great Grandma started, "when your Great Grandfather and I were first married, we had very little money; we raised our own food, and Great Grandpa butchered and aged our meat. Because it was easier to age bag then in larger pieces, when he brought in a roast, I had to cut it in half to fit into the pans we had. That's why."

The little girl was delighted and giggled back to her Mother and Grandma to tell them why. The two older ladies looked at each other for a moment and burst out laughing! To think they thought it had something to do with the method of cooking only to find out it was all about economics!

There are many family traditions circulating for the very same reason. Maybe you have a few of your own you would like to ask about and pass along to us!


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